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Are you ready for crystal-clear vision?
With a vision correction procedure like the EVO ICL performed by Dr. Vroman at Carolina Cataract & Laser Center, your dreams of visual freedom have never been more possible.

What is EVO ICL?

The EVO Implantable Contact Lens (EVO ICL) is a vision correction procedure designed to correct nearsightedness and astigmatism in qualified patients. The EVO ICL is an implantable collamer lens made from a material called collamer.

Collamer comes from collagen, which the body naturally creates and is essential for healthy joints, skin, and bones. Because the EVO ICL is derived from collagen, it's in natural harmony with your eyes and won't cause adverse side effects like dry eye after it's implanted in the eye.

Unlike procedures like LASIK, which reshape the cornea to correct refractive errors, the EVO ICL is different because it implants a collamer lens in the eye to correct vision. The EVO ICL does not remove tissue from the cornea, making it an innovative way to correct vision and free patients from the constraints of glasses and contact lenses.

Advantages of the EVO ICL

There's a lot to love about a vision correction procedure like the EVO ICL. Some of its immense benefits include:

Built-In UV Protection

If you love to spend time outdoors, you may not always remember to wear sunglasses that provide adequate protection to keep your eyes safe. But with the EVO ICL, you can breathe a sigh of relief because the implantable lens has built-in UV protection.

Whether camping under the stars, swimming in your favorite pond, or doing laps on an autumn morning, you can feel comfortable knowing that your eyes will always be protected, even if you forgot sunglasses with UVA and UVB protection.

The Only Reversible Vision Correction Procedure

Besides providing patients with visual freedom, one of the EVO ICL's best benefits is that it's the first and only procedure that's reversible. Many patients feel anxious knowing that most vision correction procedures are permanently changing the shape of their eyes or removing their natural lenses to correct their vision.

However, the EVO ICL is different because it's placed behind the iris and in front of the natural lens to correct nearsightedness and astigmatism. You can have the EVO ICL removed from your eye at any time, including if you need to replace it with an intraocular lens for cataract surgery or RLE. This flexibility gives patients much-needed peace of mind and ensures that the EVO ICL is only in your eyes if you want it to be.

Excellent Choice for Active Lifestyles

If you lead an active lifestyle, relying on contact lenses and glasses isn't always the best option. Glasses can fall down your face when you're sweaty, and contact lenses can easily become irritated.

With a vision correction procedure like the EVO ICL, you can stop relying on these visual aids and achieve the visual freedom you want. Because of its quick recovery time, you won't have to worry about being stuck on the sidelines after having it implanted in your eye.

Instead, you can look forward to better eyesight that you can enjoy for years to come. You'll also have more stable vision since you'll no longer have to rely on visual aids that can come loose, causing injury to yourself or others.

Take the Evo Self-Test

Am I a Good

Candidate for the EVO ICL?

If you love the sound of clearer vision without depending on glasses and contact lenses and are between the ages of 21 and 45, you may be a good candidate for the EVO ICL. Good candidates for this procedure are:

Schedule a Consultation

Meet Our Doctor

Dr. David Vroman

David T. Vroman, MD, is a fellowship-trained cornea, cataract, and refractive surgeon and a founding partner of Carolina Cataract & Laser Center since 2008. He is also Board Certified by the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

After graduating Magna cum laude with Honors at the University of Delaware, Dr. Vroman received his medical doctorate (MD) at the University of Maryland Medical School in Baltimore, Maryland. He completed his internship in the Department of Family Medicine and his residency in ophthalmology at MUSC.

More About Dr. Vroman

What to Expect

During the EVO ICL Procedure

If you find out you're a good candidate for the EVO ICL at Carolina Cataract & Laser Center, the next step is to schedule your procedure. You'll first undergo a comprehensive evaluation with Dr. Vroman, where your eyes are measured.

On the day of your EVO ICL procedure at Carolina Cataract & Laser Center, you'll start by having Dr. Vroman numb your eyes to ensure you stay comfortable and do not feel any pain during the procedure. Dr. Vroman will then make a small incision in your eye and insert the EVO ICL lens behind your iris and in front of your natural lens.

The EVO ICL procedure takes less than 30 minutes and is performed on both eyes. Most patients find that they experience almost immediate improvements in their vision!

Because the EVO ICL is an outpatient procedure, you can go home after it's complete. However, because the numbing eye drops will make your vision unstable, you need a trusted friend or family member to drive you home.

Pre-Op Exam

Eye Drops Administered

Small Opening

Lens Insertion & Positioning

Post-Op & Check-Up

Recovering After

Undergoing EVO ICL

Once you've had the EVO ICL procedure at Carolina Cataract & Laser Center, a new world will open up. As you get used to your new vision, it's normal to experience some minor discomfort.

Dr. Vroman may prescribe eye drops to help reduce inflammation and prevent infection after undergoing the EVO ICL procedure. Taking these as prescribed is essential to keep your eyes healthy during recovery.

You'll also need to visit Carolina Cataract & Laser Center for follow-up appointments to ensure your eyes heal and recover as they should. Although the risk of infection and complications is extremely low with this procedure, these procedures ensure that your eyes are healing correctly.

If there are signs of something not being as it should be, Dr. Vroman or a member of our talented staff can diagnose and catch it early. Most patients notice their vision improves almost instantly after having the EVO ICL procedure. In the days and weeks following the procedure, you may find that your vision will continue to improve.

You should be able to resume most of your usual daily activities within a day or two of having EVO ICL. However, you'll want to avoid strenuous exercise, contact sports, and swimming for several weeks. Dr. Vroman will let you know when you're cleared to restart these activities and able to enjoy them with your new and improved vision!

EVO ICL Doctors

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